Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vienna Diary, 13.09.2013

Vienna Diary

Today, in Afghanistan, heavy attack in Herat U.S. consulate took place. Two died. In Paktika province violent attack took place too; suicide bomb attack, in which at least seven members of Afghan forces were wounded. Seeing all these in the News, really disturbing. Taliban don’t know how to enjoy the Afghanistan victory over India with 2-0 and won the South Asian Football Federation Championship.
At the same time in the International political affairs, media is remembering about Oslo Peace Accord of 20 years ago.
In Vienna, I have a visitor, my neighbor old lady, who can hardly walk and live alone. There are some people that I can’t say “No”. She is one of them. She would ring my bell at any time she please or when sort of feeling lonely. I was eating my dinner when she rang the doorbell. Ollie fell asleep in the living room. I have to stop eating and make a place for her and prepare a tea for her.
We were watching Oslo 20 years on Euronews. Clinton, Yassar Arafat and Israeli PM of that time were shaking hands and so on. At the same time, I was ironing at the corner of the living room. My neighbor and I can hardly communicate. So, she watched the news on the red chair with the tea I offered. I watched the news while ironing. She anyhow seemed to enjoy the company. She often complained about being Old, Sick and Alone. I feel always sorry for her. So, I try to give time for her as much as I could. So far, I have not refused her once. Ollie was even snoring on the sofa. I was getting tired and wanted to sleep. The piles of cloths right in front of me. I missed Park Palace, Kabul where these things were taking care of.
Finally, she said I must go back to my room since the room is not locked. I helped her to stand up from the chair. There she went. I followed her to her room and gave two pears I bought for Ollie. Said have a good night. She took my hand and thanked me and said goodnight in German.

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